I want to testify of the power of Jesus' Name.
At the staff devotion a couple of months ago, Pastor Raymond shared a dream that he had. In that dream, many were coming to him for answers to the turmoil that is going on in the world- earthquakes, hurricanes etc. In the dream, he told them that he can't help them and just as he woke up, he heard the Lord telling him that there is power in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and to use that Name.
The following day, some church folks took me out for lunch in the city. The roasted pork rice was one of the best that I have ever eaten. The pork was juicy and I had more than my fill. Just as we were finishing, there was a huge downpour and we had to scramble to get into the car to avoid being drenched.
At that moment, I remembered with horror that I had wound down the windows to my car which was parked in church. It would take at least half an hour to get back to P.J. and in my mind, i already saw pictures of the rain flooding the inside of my car.
I then recalled what Ps Raymond shared the previous day and my faith rose to apply the Triune name to my desperate situation. I look to the sky and with a voice below my breath, commanded the rain to not fall where my car was.
Things did not look good at all throughout the journey as the rain was incessant and as we reached P.J., there was no letting up and my faith plunged. Doubts began to assail my mind.
As we turned into the church compound, I was shocked to see the place dry. As i got out of the car to run up to the office to retrieve my car keys, drops of rain started to fall and as my car windows are wound up, the downpour came.
I experienced the power of the Name of Jesus that day.