Friday, December 22, 2006


Here a prophetic word which I believe is a wonderful word for all leaders and pastors to take heed:



"My greatest gift to earth came wrapped in 'swaddling' clothes."

In the Spirit, I saw many gifts laying at the feet of many Pastors. These gifts inside of God's House had been hand delivered by the Lord Himself, but were never unwrapped. Many of these unwrapped gifts had dust covering them due to the fact that the gifts had been sitting there for years.
Many priceless gifts were stamped "special delivery" long ago to bless the pastors, but still were never opened. It seemed many pastors never got past what the gift was wrapped in. The unusual and sometimes controversial wrapping of many of these gifts, led them to believe the gift was not that important or needed.
But oh, how I heard Heaven proclaim, "My greatest gift to earth came wrapped in 'swaddling' clothes. Don't let what gifts are wrapped in stop you from opening them. The best gifts to bless you and advance My Church may often come in wrappings that you would never have chosen. But inside are many gifts that will build My Kingdom, and strengthen you as you lay hands on them, affirming and acknowledging them, and releasing them to do the work of the ministry."

Thursday, December 21, 2006


I look forward eagerly to my daily prayer time with the pastors and some intercessors. We usually start at around 10.45 and end about 12.30 or so. This morning I felt that when we come before that Lord, we should not come with an agenda but to just seek the Lord's face and worship Him unconditionally. I think it was right because God is not a santa claus but One who deserve our all. As we worshipped, i was led to proclaim freedom to those who are bound by the works of the devil like sicknesses and anxiety etc. My mind was directed to Is 61 as I declare the freedom that Jesus had accomplished on the cross. Sis May shared later that the Lord showed her in a vision, a letter that He has written to our church and at the top of the letter was written Is 61. It was a wonderful confirmation of what the Lord had led me to do. Ps Jeremiah then laid hands and prayed for me because he saw the Lord giving me a sceptre of authority. In the book of Esther, when the sceptre was extended to Esther, she was given free access to the King. This was also a confirmation of a previous prophetic word from an intercessor from USA.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Today, the staff at church had a Christmas lunch together. After lunch we gathered to talk about the memorable experiences working in church during the year. It was good to hear the positive reports from those who shared. Some new staff have really added positive energy to the environment in the church office. Praise the Lord. I talked about how the staff in New Life worked so well together and often helping out each other without distinguishing whether or not we are from the English or the Chinese Church. I encouraged them to continue with this wonderful spirit of unity. After that, Ps J handed out appreciation cards to each one as well as a Christmas gift which turned out to be towels. We then held hands and Ps Lawrence prayed that our staff will have even a better year in 2007. It was a meaningful afternoon.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Had breakfast at Kana Curryhouse in SS2 last Wednesday, sitting under the trees with some old MBS alumni friends. Patrick Cheng (NECF), Franklin Morais (formerly FGA Rawang and now lecturer with HELP Institute) and Paul Long (SS Gospel Centre) and I worked together in organising some events and grew close as a result. There seems to be a camaraderie among the four of us that enable us to talk and give advice to one another rather freely without the fear of being judged. I guess you could some of you might have experienced this type of kinship with someone before- the friendship, the acceptance and the respect that is there despite each of us coming from different backgrounds. Much have changed since we last met. Franklin have left the pastorage and enjoying his new job as a lecturer, counselor and trainer in the psychology department of HELP Institute. Paul Long has just resigned from his long time position with the church and have taken a pastoring position in Auckland, New Zealand. God speed to him. I think he will do well. I have never seen a more talented man- savvy with the pc, the ferocious reader, a youth worker, a clown and magician, preacher, administrative 'go-to' man and many more skills. I hope they pay you well in NZ since you are such a total package, Paul. Patrick will make a good Christian diplomat and statesman. He is balanced in his views and always reconciliatory and encouraging.
Ever since the news broke about Ted Haggard, Patrick wanted to start a fellowship group among ministers who are going through their mid-lives, those in their 40s (err..I just made it) so that there will be people who could speak into our lives. That breakfast was a good start. I enjoyed the friendship greatly and look forward to the next one. We agreed to meet together again just before Paul flies off to NZ.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


It's early December and already the malls are being decked out the decorations and Churches everywhere are busy preparing their Christmas programs. I hope that all these will not camouflage the wonderful message of the season- that the King of kings has entered into our lives and brought His Kingdom into our lives.
I liked what I read in the Daily Bread devotion for today-
Peter Larson wrote:"Despite our efforts to keep Him out, God intrudes. The life of Jesus is bracketed by two impossibilities: a virgin's womb and an empty tomb. Jesus entered our world through a door marked, 'No Entrance' and left through a door marked 'No Exit'.
James Edwards echoes this theme in his book The Divine Intruder: “[God] breaks into this world, even when He is unexpected and unwelcome. God joins us in our weakest and worst moments. There is a Divine Intruder among us.”

Monday, December 04, 2006


A minister friend from Sri Lanka wrote:
We must not think that it is our talent and achievement that have brought us where we are in the Lord’s ministry. He alone chose us, keeps us and prospers us in the thing He pleases. We only need to please Him. Prov 16:3. The fruit of the labour is entirely His by the work of the cross. Is 53:12.

When Gracie, the eight year old daughter of Hudson Taylor died in China , he wrote, “The Gardener has nothing to say, when the Owner of the garden picked a beautiful Rose in half bloom”. It was the Owner’s choice. Gardener acquiesced through pain. If that was his comment about his own daughter, how should we view the fruit of ministry labour?