Thursday, December 21, 2006


I look forward eagerly to my daily prayer time with the pastors and some intercessors. We usually start at around 10.45 and end about 12.30 or so. This morning I felt that when we come before that Lord, we should not come with an agenda but to just seek the Lord's face and worship Him unconditionally. I think it was right because God is not a santa claus but One who deserve our all. As we worshipped, i was led to proclaim freedom to those who are bound by the works of the devil like sicknesses and anxiety etc. My mind was directed to Is 61 as I declare the freedom that Jesus had accomplished on the cross. Sis May shared later that the Lord showed her in a vision, a letter that He has written to our church and at the top of the letter was written Is 61. It was a wonderful confirmation of what the Lord had led me to do. Ps Jeremiah then laid hands and prayed for me because he saw the Lord giving me a sceptre of authority. In the book of Esther, when the sceptre was extended to Esther, she was given free access to the King. This was also a confirmation of a previous prophetic word from an intercessor from USA.