Sunday, June 01, 2008

Gods' Grace to New Life

At the leaders' meeting this afternoon, I asked the leaders what they thought was our strength as a church. Some replies were:

Our friendship,

Our pastoral strength,

Our missions outreach,

Our worship (err.. this obviously this came from Bobby...ha..ha.. I like it when the leader in charge of the department is confident of his contributions... keep it up...Bob/Joanna),

Our giving,

Our team leadership,

Our 'bringing up people' programs,

Our Children church,

Our passion in prayer.

Certainly the Lord is gracious and has pour out His manifold grace upon our church and I am thankful for these and those that are not mentioned like our strength in cell group (both adults and youth) and our women power (hic) etc .
As I discussed this with your supervisors, we came to the conclusion that there are three strengths in New Life that will be like an engine that will drive these gifts and we summarized them in 3Fs.

1. Faith

Our desire to believe God for miracles and our breakthroughs in prayer.

2. Friendship

Our folks are great in reaching out through friendship and there is such a sense of love for one another

3. Fun

No need to teach our folks but they sure know how to have a good time. Life, ministry and service should be fun.

I shared with the leaders how God has established New Life for national impact and they are part of a team that will be a great blessing to the nations and to the nations of the world.