Thursday, June 12, 2008

Enraptured in God's Presence

I praise God for a wonderful worship experience this morning.
I am so thankful to the Lord for my prayer group that meets with me daily from 11am to 12.30pm or thereabouts when we worshipped and pray for the needs of the church or the nation.
This morning was one of those wonderful times when were so caught up and enraptured in God's presence that we felt we could go on worshipping the Lord Jesus forever.

Those who have experienced it would never complain that there is nothing to do except
to worship the Lord when we get to heaven.

And to think that we had just a mild taste of it compared to actually being in God's presence around His throne.

We started with an old song 'Ah Lord God' which seemed so inappropriate at that time but from then on we seemed to tap into God's wave which led us into the depth of the Lord's presence.

Pastor Patrick's worship anointing with the guitar is God-send.

The Bible said that we enter into heaven's gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise.

Pastor Lily explained that the Lord showed her that the gates of heaven were truly opened to us as we worshipped and that the blessings of heaven were ours to possess.

No wonder 'Worship-Intercession' is so effective.

Sis May felt that we were on 'holy ground' and that there were angels all around.

To those who have an ear let them hear. Let us believe and not doubt

No wonder after we ended the time of worship, I was led by to Spirit to bless the different areas of the church- the leaders, the Youth, the Children, the Myanmar ministry, Puchong Church etc

I thank God for this 'Heavenly' encounter.