Friday, June 20, 2008

Not getting your hundredfold yet?

"And the Lord turned the captivity of Job when he prayed for his friends" Job:42:10

Oswald Chambers wrote:

If you are not getting the hundredfold more, not getting insight into God's word, then start praying for your friends, enter into the ministry of the interior. "The Lord turned the captivity of Job when he prayed for his friends." The real business of your life as a saved soul is intercessory prayer. Wherever God puts you in circumstances, pray immediately, pray that His atonement may be realized in other lives as it has been in yours. Pray for your friends now; pray for those with whom you come in contact now.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Secrets of Giving
Giving is not losing something you have but a seed you sow for gaining much
The type of seed determine the harvest
The size of the seed determine the size of the harvest
When we let go of what is in our hands, God will let go of what is in His hands... and God's hands are huge
Giving is a privilege enjoyed by only the few who have successfully wrestled the spirit of poverty to the ground
Isaac sow in the time of famine and he reaped a hundredfold
Sow even when in need

Have you a Cause?

Greatness comes to those who have found a cause to live for

and something to die for.

The Centre of your cause is the Lord Jesus


The Target of your cause is the world


The Power of your cause is the gospel


The Engine of your cause is the church


The Force of your cause is compassion


The Enemy of your cause is satan


Dear Church,

I hope you were as touched and inspired as I was last Sunday watching the video clip of Dick Hoyt's dedication and love for his son. Err….I cried. Don’t laugh… many of you cried as well.

Instead of surrendering to the hopelessness of the human condition, the father and son pair were able to turn their circumstances around to touch and inspired many lives all around the world…including mine and yours.

If you examine the lapel of your DNA make-up, you will find the words 'Made in Heaven'. Furthermore you might discover some instructions telling you that you are 'Created to Touch Lives'.

Jesus affirmed it when He commanded us to touch lives just before He ascended into heaven.

Mat 28:18-20 Jesus came and told His disciples, "I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. (19) Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations (or touch lives for me everywhere- Ron Hee’s interpretation), baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. (20) Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

Just last week a new sister in Christ told me that my prayers for her made a difference in her business as well as in her relationship with her husband. That amazed and humbled me to think that a simple prayer offered in love can make such a difference.

I do not even remember the full name of the Hong Kong lady missionary (I only knew her as Madam Chan) who touched my life because she was daring enough to start a church in my town which was hitherto filled with hostile idol worshippers who are often her persecutors.

Hopefully, I in turn, am touching other lives and when I get to heaven, I hope someone will say, ‘I was a life that was changed (From ‘Thank you for giving to the Lord’ by Ray Boltz) and touched by God because of you.'

I borrowed the acronym M.A.D. (Make A Difference) from one of our church brothers, Jack Tan who last month, cycled 480km from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Trengganu for charity to three organisations with New Life being one of the beneficiaries. We benefited an average of RM50 for every kilometer he cycled. Not bad, eh? Our brother has caught the spirit of making a difference and touching lives.

Folks, you too are making a difference if we persevere with the spirit of love for one another and help each other grow in the Lord. Your presence, your commitment and your dedication make a difference to God’s work in building His glorious church.

Your giving is making a difference to many nations and your prayers are transforming our nation. The results of the last election did not just happened. It happened because you and I have been praying for the last seven years.

Folks, let us determine that our lives here on earth will not be lived for ourselves but like the Hoyts, let us touch lives and make a difference with our words (power of life and death), our deeds (acts of faith), our prayers (supernatural grace that can move mountains), our hospitality and friendship (‘only love can make a miracle’) and our giving (the key to an overflowing barn) etc.

Stop right now and ask God to use your life to make a difference and touch lives.

Touching Nations, Touching Lives,
Pastor Ron Hee


God is MOVED by your needs but will ACT on your faith.

Your needs are not the issue; your faith is.

If you can believe it, you will receive it.

The Red Sea did not part when the Israelites cried in panic

but only when they went forward in faith. Walk by faith and not by feelings.

Love, Ron & Grace Hee

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Healing Anointing on New Life

Two weeks ago, we were connected with Rodney Kirkpatrick from Durban, South Africa and he ministered to our full time staff and pastors on Tuesday morning. His prophetic word of knowledge was excitedly accurate as he pointed and prophesied on every staff present. I am sharing mine here because I believe this word is not just for me but for the New Life church in P.J.:

"I thank you for Ron, for his heart of compassion; for his shepherding gift; for giving him the grace and portion to preside over a real healing anointing in and through this place in the days ahead. Ron, I just hear the Lord saying that there are people healed that are here but the Lord is going to begin to bring to this place people who need healing especially in their hearts. I hear the Lord saying this place will be known as a place for binding up the broken hearts in the days ahead. God says one of the things that He is requiring of you is to teach and to emphasize is transparency. The church has become too religious and we are not willing to get the bad out so that it can be dealt with but I hear the Lord saying to you that if you teach the people that they need to be transparent; the things that are keeping the hurt from being healed will come forward; will get out of the way; and God will make this place a real flame of fire for His healing presence; a real place of refuge in increasing measure and in increasing degree in the days ahead."

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Enraptured in God's Presence

I praise God for a wonderful worship experience this morning.
I am so thankful to the Lord for my prayer group that meets with me daily from 11am to 12.30pm or thereabouts when we worshipped and pray for the needs of the church or the nation.
This morning was one of those wonderful times when were so caught up and enraptured in God's presence that we felt we could go on worshipping the Lord Jesus forever.

Those who have experienced it would never complain that there is nothing to do except
to worship the Lord when we get to heaven.

And to think that we had just a mild taste of it compared to actually being in God's presence around His throne.

We started with an old song 'Ah Lord God' which seemed so inappropriate at that time but from then on we seemed to tap into God's wave which led us into the depth of the Lord's presence.

Pastor Patrick's worship anointing with the guitar is God-send.

The Bible said that we enter into heaven's gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise.

Pastor Lily explained that the Lord showed her that the gates of heaven were truly opened to us as we worshipped and that the blessings of heaven were ours to possess.

No wonder 'Worship-Intercession' is so effective.

Sis May felt that we were on 'holy ground' and that there were angels all around.

To those who have an ear let them hear. Let us believe and not doubt

No wonder after we ended the time of worship, I was led by to Spirit to bless the different areas of the church- the leaders, the Youth, the Children, the Myanmar ministry, Puchong Church etc

I thank God for this 'Heavenly' encounter.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Key To Answered Prayers

The Key to Intercessory prayer is for God to get us to the place where the well-being of others is more important than your own.

Faith works through love.

The most effective prayer is one that is offered in love and compassion.

When you feel that 'cry in your heart' and not just 'words from your lips', you will have the assurance that God has heard your prayer.

A broken heart prays the most powerful prayer.

Are we willing to be brokened for others?

I recalled an incident that happened when we still had our Myanmar service in Dengkil some years back.

One of the Myanmar brothers came seeking for prayer for a huge goiter on the side of his neck.

When I saw his condition, any ounce of faith that was in me flew out of the window.

No clever sounding prayer was sufficient for the situation and subsequently my prayer was feeble and weak. However I did recall a wave of compassion came over me and all I wanted was for God to touch this man.

Many months later, I was told that this man was asking around for me and I found out that the huge goiter shrivelled up during the night after the prayer and the man received a miracle from the Lord.

That is the power of compassion in our prayers.

Passing Of My Aussie Pastor

Today I watched a dvd of the memorial service for Pastor Richard Holland who passed away at the age of 89.
I loved that man who epitomised for a me a pastor who is tireless in caring for others and believing God for miracles and healing. I am sure I am only one of the many great number of his spiritual children/grandchildren in Malaysia and other parts of Asia who remember him fondly and affectionately because of the powerful impact he has on our faith.Many loved him and will continue his legacy of persistent, genuine faith and sincere love for people all over the world. He truly is my spiritual father and hero.

I will miss him dearly.

Monday, June 09, 2008


I am a Child of God.

I am born of the Spirit of God and the Life of God flows in me.

He leads me and gives me revelation.

I walk in power because the Holy Spirit is my divine source.

I am strong in the strength of His dunamic might.


Ron and Grace Hee

Doing Church with a Purpose

I have been preaching to the church on a series called 'Learning How to Hear God's Voice' and I felt good about how it turned out.
Yesterday was the last one in the series and I do feel a sense of accomplishment.

There was a distinct leading of the Holy Spirit in all the 5 messages and that increased my confidence in my delivery. I am totally reliant on the Holy Spirit because our ministry must not be just good preaching but preaching in the power of the Holy Spirit with signs and wonders following.
I am also grateful to the Lord for giving us salvations almost every week; whether or not the message was directly evangelistic.
I have been telling the church that our Sunday services are 'public' and 'open' meetings so we must not try to be too religious in our liturgy. I desire New Life to be faithful in carrying out the 'Great Commission' not just conducting services for born-again Christians.
Visitors are often confused by overtly religious actions like speaking in tongues, 'free praise' (where the visitors are often at a lost as to what to do while the christians are merrily singing a new song or praising God) etc. Those who know me will tell you that I love to speak in tongues and being a true worshipper at heart, to spend extended time in praising God in the presence of the Holy Spirit. But there is a time and place for everything.
I have no problems with these activities and I often encourage the church to come out on Wednesday nights where we can speak in tongues, pray and engage in free praise as much as we want to.
We must be purposeful in our meetings.
If every meeting is geared towards christians, where can unbelievers come to Him?.
I am not apologetic for wanting to gear our Sunday services to be non-religious for the sake of those that the Lord is bringing in; our Monday nights for solid Bible teaching; our Wednesday nights for believers to engage in prayer and deeper spiritual activities and our Friday/Saturday(for the Youth) Cell meetings for the church family to fellowship, encourage and pray for one another.
New Life... Doing Church with a Purpose

Thursday, June 05, 2008

An Interview With An 80-year-old Woman

The local news station was interviewing an 80-year-old lady because she had just gotten married --

for the fourth time.

The interviewer asked her questions about her life, about what it felt like to be marrying again at 80, and then about her new husband's occupation.

"He's a funeral director," she answered.

"Interesting," the newsman thought.

He then asked her if she wouldn't mind telling him a little about her first three husbands and

what they did for a living.

She paused for a few moments, needing time to reflect on all those years.

After a short time, a smile came to her faceand she answered proudly,

explaining that she'd first married a banker when she was in her early 20s,

then a circus ringmaster when i n her 40s,

later on a preacher when in her 60s,

and now in her 80s, a funeral director.

The interviewer looked at her, quite astonished, and asked why she had married four men

with such diverse careers.

She smiled and explained,

"I married one for the money,

two for the show,

three to get ready,

and four to go."

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Gods' Grace to New Life

At the leaders' meeting this afternoon, I asked the leaders what they thought was our strength as a church. Some replies were:

Our friendship,

Our pastoral strength,

Our missions outreach,

Our worship (err.. this obviously this came from Bobby...ha..ha.. I like it when the leader in charge of the department is confident of his contributions... keep it up...Bob/Joanna),

Our giving,

Our team leadership,

Our 'bringing up people' programs,

Our Children church,

Our passion in prayer.

Certainly the Lord is gracious and has pour out His manifold grace upon our church and I am thankful for these and those that are not mentioned like our strength in cell group (both adults and youth) and our women power (hic) etc .
As I discussed this with your supervisors, we came to the conclusion that there are three strengths in New Life that will be like an engine that will drive these gifts and we summarized them in 3Fs.

1. Faith

Our desire to believe God for miracles and our breakthroughs in prayer.

2. Friendship

Our folks are great in reaching out through friendship and there is such a sense of love for one another

3. Fun

No need to teach our folks but they sure know how to have a good time. Life, ministry and service should be fun.

I shared with the leaders how God has established New Life for national impact and they are part of a team that will be a great blessing to the nations and to the nations of the world.