We are so proud that they have taken the challenge to plant the church in Cheras. It's always a joy when we see them during church functions. it's like meeting up with good old friends. We remained close even after so many years of serving in different churches.
How do you fulfill the destiny you were created for?
Let God take hold of your life!!
David was a shepherd boy but when God got a hold of his life, He turned him into a King- the destiny that God has created David for.
Emmanuel Adelbayor was a sickly paralysed boy but when God took hold of his life, He became one of the most wanted footballer whom God now used to testify of His Name.
Kaka's wish and ambition was just to play for Sao Paulo but when God took hold of his life, he became the 2007 Fifa Footballer of the year.
Yours truly truly had no ambition in life but when God took hold of my life, he turned this boy from a one-street town to being the senior pastor of a church that is impacting nations and touching lives.