Pain-Filled week
I had a painful week. I sprained some part of my lower back last Friday exercising and by Sunday I was not sure if I could even make it to preach at the Puchong Church. Besides my 'toothache' experience in Amritsar, this was my worst encounter with pain. I now understand what it means to have 'searing' pain. Slight movements like turning around on the bed, getting up and bending were just too excruciating and I was already thinking that I might have to be admitted to hospital and lie still for a few days. Grace tried applying some 'hot' muscle rubs but none were effecitve. I was not even able to bend my head to wash my face. At the Puchong church, I had to sit through much of the worship and then preached without moving around too much. I then returned to the main church for the leaders' meeting and was glad that they gathered and prayed for me.
It took a week but praise God that I was able to recovered...quite miraculously...I thought.... because I was still in great pain two days ago when I got off my bed. As I write this, I am amazed that the pain is completely gone and I am able to continue with my regular activities. I am so glad that it was not a slipped disc or something more serious. I must remind myself that I am no longer young and I need to be careful when doing more strenous exercises. :-) Praise God for His protection and His healing.