Friday, November 28, 2008

"God never does anything accidentally. He never makes mistakes. He has a reason for everything He creates." (Rick Warren)

If we believe that God made each of us unique and special, it follows that we are outstanding in at least one area over the six billion or more lives on this planet. This special quality that God has placed in you and I makes us stand out. This has been shown in the lives of the people that God used.

David was outstanding as he alone dared to face Goliath and killed him.This special quality was so obvious to all that they even composed a song that rhymed, "Saul has slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands."
Daniel and his friends were outstanding in wisdom and were ten times better than the wise men of Babylon.

"And the king communed with them; and among them all was found none like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah: therefore stood they before the king. And in all matters of wisdom and understanding, that the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm."(Dan 1:19-20)

The same spirit that elevated David from being a shepherd boy to being a giant killer and a king is in us.
Let us rise above the spirit of inferiority that limits and makes us small and stops us from being what God has made us to be- that is, to be outstanding.

Last Monday night, Grace and I attended the inaugural Merdeka Awards function at the KLCC Philharmornic Hall where our PM handed awards to some individuals and organisations that had made outstanding contributions for the advancement of Malaysia and its people in five different categories. (
As I looked around the hall, I could recognise the faces of many who have made outstanding contributions to our nation. As a result of their contributions, everyone of them helped our nation to benefit in those areas which would otherwise remained undeveloped and backward. Every person who is outstanding is a pioneer in some areas and he/she can help push open doors that will help others.

Let us rise above the spirit of inferiority and step into the outstanding destiny that is within us by the Spirit of God. Each of you can help others break into a new area of growth and victory. Step into your outstandingness!
God has set us free from every spirit of inferiority. Refuse to allow inferiority to cap our growth and stature.
Arise and shine for you are no longer unimportant and insignificant but you are outstanding for the Lord!!

Pain-Filled week

I had a painful week. I sprained some part of my lower back last Friday exercising and by Sunday I was not sure if I could even make it to preach at the Puchong Church. Besides my 'toothache' experience in Amritsar, this was my worst encounter with pain. I now understand what it means to have 'searing' pain. Slight movements like turning around on the bed, getting up and bending were just too excruciating and I was already thinking that I might have to be admitted to hospital and lie still for a few days. Grace tried applying some 'hot' muscle rubs but none were effecitve. I was not even able to bend my head to wash my face. At the Puchong church, I had to sit through much of the worship and then preached without moving around too much. I then returned to the main church for the leaders' meeting and was glad that they gathered and prayed for me.

It took a week but praise God that I was able to recovered...quite miraculously...I thought.... because I was still in great pain two days ago when I got off my bed. As I write this, I am amazed that the pain is completely gone and I am able to continue with my regular activities. I am so glad that it was not a slipped disc or something more serious. I must remind myself that I am no longer young and I need to be careful when doing more strenous exercises. :-) Praise God for His protection and His healing.

Friday, November 14, 2008

One of my favorite biblical declarations is 'The Lord is my Sun and Shield'.

This should be a daily joy and confidence booster to every child of God.

God's blessings, like the Sun, is ever flowing and never ceasing,

nothwithstanding cloudy days or stormy nights.

God will never stop blessing His children and

He will not withhold anything that is good for me.

Sunday, November 02, 2008


You did not come to Jesus to get a religion.

You came to Christ to get a life.

He who has the Son has life.

Apostle Paul had a religion

but when He met Jesus,

he got a life- a world changer life.

If you feel lost, dry, overwhelmed today,

proclaim Jesus as Lord and

He will be the author of a wonderful life for you.