Friday, August 01, 2008


"It's not what we know but what we do with what we know that changes us. We are the sum total of all the decisions we made in life." Bro. Jeremiah Yoong

A person may be many years going to church but if he does not make the decision to become a Christian, then it will not make any difference to his life.

What we know in our heads must go to our hearts for any transformation in our lives. That journey can only start with a decision.

You have a wife because one day you made the decision to commit and marry the person that you love.
Those who do not want to commit will bring no change to their marital status- they will remain single all their lives.

Your decisions indicate your commitments. The committed ones are those who bet their lives on it. The Bible tells us that those who lose their lives will save it.

Mat 16:25 If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for My sake, you will save it.