Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Thirdly, live daily in His GRACE. Because of what Jesus has done for us on the cross, God no longer judge us by our ability to keep His laws. Many Christians do not realise that they are already set free from the bondage of the law and they continue to live under it. They will soon give up because they could not measure up to the standards required of them. They get spiritually burnt-out and wearied by the constant demands of the misguided Christian conscience. God’s grace sets us free from the demands of the law. We are set free from religion of legalism into a love relationship with God.

"The law of Moses was unable to save us because of the weakness of our sinful nature. So God did what the law could not do. He sent His own Son in a body like the bodies we sinners have. And in that body God declared an end to sin's control over us by giving His Son as a sacrifice for our sins. He did this so that the just requirement of the law would be fully satisfied for us." (Rom 8:3-4)