Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Vision of a Breaking Net
During our morning prayer time, Ps Lily saw a vision of a net at breaking point. This net was full of babies (souls) and she felt that the Lord asking us if there are enough hands to catch these ones when they fall through the net. If not, the babies will fall back into the savage sea.

Sis May Loke saw a similar vision and she travailed tearfully in the spirit for these souls. We prayed to the Lord to touch New Life folks as they watch the video series by Reinhard Bonnke that more will commit themselves to evangelism and caring for the new ones that will come to the Lord in the coming days.

Help us Lord, to equip our folks to be care-givers to new Christians!!

Give us a compassion for souls!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Faith is being sure of what we hope for.

Hope does not disappoint.

If you are disappointed about something, turn it around.

Start with a simple hope.

Bring that hope to Jesus.
Faith will come and you will receive.

Staff Devotion

Had a good time of devotion with the staff. Seah led us in an unfamiliar song on warfare and

there was a strong anointing to pray warfare prayers....that

'with God on our side, we are not warriors on the retreat but warriors on the advance...'

'we must arise and take the trophies that God has taken back from the devil on the cross...'

'those victories must be claimed by God's people....who put on the warrior's anointing...'

'we are 'more than conquerors... not just conquerors...but more than conquerors...'

'Jesus is the gatekeeper... and the doors are opened to us...'

'step in the house of God where there is abundance, healing, joy and peace....'

'live where God lives.... in heaven.... we can live in God's kingdom right now...don't have to wait until we die and go to heaven....'

'step into God's open doors by faith... only believe...'

'live in the 4th dimension which is where our spirit will thrive....'

A sister who visited us from China shared her gratefullness to the Lord for bringing her to New Life where she learned about love and unity.

Friday, April 11, 2008


Dear Church,
Not only is God blessing the folks in New Life financially, He wants to rejuvenate and strengthen our inner man if we believe the prophetic visions and words that have been released by the Holy Spirit recently.

I was able to sense this new move of the spirit during one of the Sunday mornings as I went to the welcome centre to pray before the service. There were the usual number of folks praying and the ‘noise’ level was similar to other Sundays but spiritually, the decibel level was such as I have never felt in my spirit before. It felt as if there were rumblings in the heavenlies and at that moment, I heard in my spirit, the waves of revival being ushered in.

At the same time, my wife signalled me to their small group and asked me to listen to a vision that one of the sisters was just shown. In that vision, she saw a waterfall over the church and the water (Holy Spirit) was falling on us and filling up every valley. As the valleys were filled, plants (life) began to spring forth.

(Mmm…maybe, the sound that I heard was the sound of the waterfall??).

Folks, the valleys are low lying lands that represent lives that are spiritually low, dry and lifeless. As the Holy Spirit rains upon us, our inner man will come alive. Let this be our prayer.

Last Sunday, one sister came to me excitedly telling me that she saw a lot of gold dust falling on the church. I peeked at my palms to see if any gold dust had formed there because this phenomenon had happened in places where revival is taking place but alas, I only saw some wrinkly skin. Suffice to say, this vision is a prophetic message that God is pouring out His glory and our church will be revived if we continue to seek Him and be hungry for His presence.

At the altar last Sunday after the conscience stirring message by Pastor Hock, a brother told us how he was so deeply touched by the Lord that he wept profusely. The word of the Lord through him was that more miracles are coming and we as a church must do more and that we should not do just enough to satisfy our conscience.

Folks, are we prepared for the rain? An evangelist from India, Emmanuel Raj who passed through here last week said if we want a 100 fold from the Lord, we must sow in 1. Watch (prayer and seeking God’s face) 2. Word (Read God’s word) 3. Wealth (Tithes and offering) and 4. Work (Serve God).

Pr Raymond woke up on Wednesday morning with a dream from the Lord. In the dream, he saw the church, filled with many people and bustling with much joy and excitement. He woke up sensing that something was about to burst forth in New Life and God was able to do something exciting in the church. Let press on for more of His glory!!!

Pastor Ron Hee


"You have a wonderful life because the One who lives in you is called
Confess this truth always and your path will be showered with gifts and signs of wonderment.
You are loved"

Wednesday, April 02, 2008


God's nature is in you.
The fullness of God lives in you.

Believe that and this divine and eternal nature will dominate all of life.

God's power, His mightiness, His abundance, His generosity, His love and His glory will dominate over weakness, lack, fear and death.